Sunday, November 2, 2014

The Other Half, Reporting In

Hey Everyone!

Holy cow. Life is busy. Final year of school, working nights, a lab assistant position for a few of the intro classes...And hobby time when I can, of course!

With all the craziness happening over at GW lately, I've sort of lost motivation to work on anything 40k related. I have, however, worked slowly on some Skaven, but that's about it. I just threw together some test models of clanrats to see what I want to do for a paint scheme. Aiming for a quick and dirty, bloody, rusty, nasty pack of vermin. Here's my first ten:

As for my Retribution army, I've made some progress. I've gotten to play a few games and develop my tactics a little further. I've also picked up several new models. I recently picked up some Mage Hunters + UA, a Mage Hunter Assassin and a Banshee heavy Myrmidon kit. I magnetized the three variants of the Myrmidon, though I mainly plan on running the Banshee. Initially, I wanted to run a Dawnguard exclusive army, but lately I've had a ton of fun playing with the Mage Hunters and look forward to fielding them more often. Sentinels are still my favorite go-to beatstick unit, though.

I've only played two games in the last few weeks, once against a local Convergence player and once against Andy when he was back in town. I won the game against the Convergence player and lost against Andy. Both games, however, were very fun and I definitely learned a lot.

Going forward, I have a good idea as to what I want to pick up next. After I finish painting this most recent lot (I have imposed a strict "No New Stuff Until Everything Else Is Painted" rule), I plan on picking up a few more casters (Ravyn and Issyria) as well as a big bad Hyperion. Can't wait to get that purchase ready to rock and roll.

I also plan on taking better pictures of my whole army, but for now, here's a (potato quality) shot of my Sentinels I finished a while back:

Hopefully I can post more consistently in the future. I'm having a lot of fun with WarmaHordes and can't wait to get better at it.

Until next time!

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