Hello wargamers! I am Andy and I
would like to take this time (or space) to tell everyone a bit about myself and
why I am writing this article!
So who am I. Well if I didn’t steal
your attention away with Jackie Chan too much, you’d know that my name is Andy.
I am a miniature wargamer from Minnesota. I’ve been playing tabletop games
since I picked up Warhammer 40k way back in 8th grade. My first army
was Chaos Space Marines. And when I say army, I mean a plastic box set and a
box of metal Plague Marines. I also stretched that plastic set to a full 10-man
squad by gluing the mutated bits to pieces of armor. They were… Interesting
conversions to say the least. Although I didn’t have much, I always abused my
friends poor Tau. He had a true force, but we only knew the second-hand so many
rules were bent to favor my Chaosy doods. Sadly, my friend and I moved on from
40k and got sucked into World of Warcraft. Oh the wasted hours!
It wasn’t until my senior year of
high school that I got back into tabletop gaming. Aaron and a few of his
buddies that had continued playing 40k after I quit held a small “learning 40k”
night at his place. He knew the rules and taught a friend and I with some small
practice games. I was hooked! It was a ton of fun. I was looking at the armies
and Necrons caught my eye. With their old codex, I struggled to win many games,
but those games were hard fought and very rewarding.
After Necrons, I started developing
what some call “Army ADD”. I jumped from force to force, starting with Aaron’s
Chaos Space Marines, followed by a short foray into Tyranids and Space Marines.
It was at this point I found the army I really love, the Eldar. I have a
collection of something like 3000 points of painted Eldar. I also still have a
small force of Ultramarines Space Marines I have really enjoyed playing as
Along with 40k, I have also begun
to play Warmahordes. I play Legion of Everblight. I have really been hooked on
this game recently, and will probably be putting out a fair bit of content
covering this game. It is a ton of fun.
Outside of tabletop games, I enjoy
football, reading epic sci-fi series, and playing my Wii U. I just graduated
from NDSU with an undergraduate degree in Mechanical Engineering (so hopefully
I actually have some more time for gaming!).
Aaron and I wanted to create this
blog and our YouTube channel to share our passion for tabletop games. We have
both been playing games for years, and we would like to share our experiences
with you, the readers/viewers! So please enjoy all we have to offer, and always
feel free to comment with any questions you may have!!
Thanks and enjoy,
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