Wednesday, April 30, 2014

About me (Aaron)

Hey everyone! My name is Aaron, and I’m the other half of iceDice Wargaming! I just thought I’d let you all know a little bit about me. 

I got into Warhammer 40k in 6th grade when my friend brought the first Tau codex to class one day. I was instantly hooked. I started with Tau and my word was I not a good hobbyist…But what would you expect from a 6th grader with no painting or building skills? Humble beginnings, I suppose. I had a small Tau force and a few other friends picked up the hobby, but none of us really knew the rules. One of the guys had a quick review sheet from the 3rd (I think) edition rulebook, and we just sort of fudged the rest…After a few years, the serious players stuck with the hobby into highschool and a few other people quit playing. That’s when I discovered my love for Chaos. I played a pretty solid Chaos Undivided list all through 4th and into 5th edition. Those were my competitive years; I played to win. Near the end of high school, I got way more into the hobby side of things as my painting skills began to develop.

I eventually sold my Chaos (to Andy!) and picked up Tyranids and decided to start fresh and to get better at painting rather than being super competitive. I still tried to put up a hard fight, but I throttled back a bit on playing to win and learned to just enjoy the game for what it was…A game! I slowly built a Tyranid force of up to 7k points un-upgraded, along with a Bio Titan and had tons of fun with the army. Unfortunately, the new codex sort of killed my enthusiasm for the ‘Nids, and I’m currently in the process of downsizing my Hive Fleet to only the things I have fully painted. I just don’t like how the new Codex works, not my cup o tea.

And now…I’ve been bitten by the Chaos bug once more. I’ve decided to strictly play for fun and work on my painting skills to be the best I can be. My current 40k project is a narrative/custom mono Khorne army that I will slowly be developing and hopefully posting lots of update vids and pics of in the near future. I’ve written a decent framework for them and I plan on building their fluff up as I play them, letting the games I play help tell their story.

I’ve also gotten into Warmachine and Hordes this past year and I’m really digging the new system. It’s a fantastic change of pace from 40k, and though I still struggle with remembering all the rules, order of operations, and playing with a timer, I still always have fun. I went with Retribution of Scyrah for my first force, which I’ve learned isn’t necessarily the easiest starting army, but I just loved the aesthetics and now I’m rolling with the punches. Vyros and his Dawnguard are my go to right now, but I’m hoping to be able to expand my collection much more as my skills progress.

Other games I’d like to play more of is X-Wing, Flames of War and Bolt Action. I also have a small Skaven force that is base coated (and waiting a dip and details) and will hopefully be seeing the table here soon!

Outside of wargaming, I have a few other things I like to do. I’m an avid outdoorsman, I could hunt and fish for days on end. I also enjoy playing soccer, reading, PC gaming and cooking. I’ve also gotten pretty big into health and wellness, since I didn’t really take care of myself the first 21 or so years of my life. I’ve survived one Tough Mudder and I’m training for my second event now.

Between school and life in general, it’s hard to balance all of my hobbies, but I find a way to show some love to everything that I like to do. As I go into my final year of college, I look forward to being able to move into the next chapter of my life as well as taking iceDice with me.

Thanks for taking the time to get to know me a little bit and if you have any questions or comments please ask! I’m looking forward to putting out some great content with Andy for you all to enjoy. Cheers!
- Aaron

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