Sunday, May 11, 2014

Andy's new project - Menoth

Hello again, Andy here to talk briefly about my new project I've been working on, Menoth.

As you may have seen, I've been thinking of trying Menoth and after a few battle box, I couldn't resist.

I bought the Menoth portion of the two player battle box and got started painting up pKreoss. I wanted to do an evil looking Menoth, as I don't like painting white, and I thought Menoth can look pretty menacing in dark colors.

Kreoss was painted using a mix of blacks and reds, with some bronze and gun metal to pick out details. It was a really simple paint scheme that made for a good effect. I also tried out the gamesworkshop technical blood paint and man does it look nasty. I added plenty to his flail, and then flicked it all over his chest and face as perhaps you can see.

As for story, I want them to keep their name, but I don't think "high exemplar" fits with his theme haha. So I decided to call him "Kreoss the Blood Quenched". Bad ass, no? Maybe a bit cliché but whatevs haha.

Now for tactics. I think Kreoss is an awesome caster. Purification, along with his feat can end games, and end them quickly. However, I recently played a battle box game against convergence and learned some very important lessons. First, their heavy vector, cipher, is steady. No knockdown for me! He hid his caster behind it and there was little I could do about it. Second, their light vector,... I forget what it's called, has an aoe gun that can knock down. Third, Menoth jacks are very very easy to hit, and when your opponent has an aoe knockdown gun, it is best not to have your caster in base to base with those low Def jacks. Fourth, Kreoss is very soft. Without Defenders Ward and a solid focus camp, he is really easy to kill. And that is just what happened in that game. I got knocked down and assassinated with ease. Oh how the tables turned! Oh well, live and learn.

Well that's it for Kreoss, hopefully I get my jacks all painted up real soon!

- Andy

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